Student sits in an outdoor space with plants and patio furniture while looking intently at a laptop.

Full Sail DC3 Offers a New Way to Learn Online

Published Aug 4, 2022

What is DC3?

Created by Full Sail University, DC3 offers a different kind of online education with individual courses for a variety of career paths and interests.

All DC3 courses are completely online and accelerated (ranging from one month to four). You can find a catalog of DC3 programs offered here.

Areas of focus include:

  • Art & Design
  • Audio & Music Production
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Computer Science & Technology
  • Game Design & Production
  • Sportscasting
  • Video Production

Like Full Sail degree programs, DC3 courses are fast, career-focused, and taught by professionals in the industry. But now, students have even more opportunities to find an education that works for them.

Who is DC3 for?

“We decided to launch this new initiative to serve a larger audience of skill-seeking students, be it a novice or an industry employees seeking to skill up or change career paths,” says Isis Jones, Chief Information Officer and Executive Director of Education at Full Sail.

“There is an increase of working adults searching for non-degree educational opportunities and on-demand education for the skills they are seeking. Short-form, skill-designed education is a better way to serve this audience. In contrast, many Entertainment Media and Emerging Technology enthusiasts may not be ready to commit to a full degree but want to start their journey with short-form curriculum. These students can explore their interests in these courses,” she says.

“Finally, there is the group of people just seeking personal growth or pursuing a passion who do not intend to get a job in the skill set they are seeking; this is also a simpler and less expensive way to consume education for this audience.”

Full Sail DC3 was designed to make education more flexible for a variety of learners. That includes students who want to:

  • Advance their career and build their portfolio
  • Learn new skills to make a career change
  • Pursue a passion for their own personal growth
  • Explore potential career paths before committing to a degree
  • Complete their higher education on their own timeline

“I think DC3 is actually a fresh approach to how we are addressing the need of more types of learners that may not feel that a 'traditional' education model works best for them,” says Full Sail's Director Of Learning, Emerging Technologies, Dr. Holly Ludgate.

What makes DC3 different?

One thing that makes DC3 courses unique from most online learning is that students have the opportunity to actually interact in real-time with instructors and their classmates. “Full Sail is particularly well positioned to serve these kinds of learners because all our courses have instructors and are not just self-paced with videos,” says Isis.

“We also have over 40 years of experience in these topics at a higher education level and can extrapolate from that curriculum and experience as well as lean on a community of support from over 2,400 employees, 84,000 graduates, and the thousands of industry partners that we serve.”

But Full Sail DC3 is unique for another reason, one that you don't often consider as a part of online education: community.

DC3 programs are built for meeting new people and developing networks of contacts with other students in your cohort. Classes will include community engagement specialists that help keep the discussions going post-class. And, opportunities may arise for regional meet ups so students can grow and broaden their network in their own communities.

They're also designed with the student's voice in mind. With this format, students are able to choose what they want to learn based on their interests and goals and create their own path to education without having to pursue a degree.

Want to learn more about what DC3 has to offer? Explore the full catalog.


Ready to Learn More?

We offer a variety of courses led by expert instructors - take a look at our full catalog and start building your learning path with Full Sail DC3 today.