A student sits at a desk in a home office. They are writing in a notebook and have a laptop on the desk in front of them.

How Full Sail DC3 Courses Can Help You Explore a Degree Path

Published Oct 9, 2023

Full Sail DC3’s short-form, hyper-focused courses can give you an introduction to Full Sail and help you explore your degree options before committing to a degree program.

Are you considering a degree program, but not sure which academic path is best for you? You’re not alone. There are countless options out there, and it can be challenging to try to narrow down what best fits your interests and goals.

The good news is that Full Sail DC3 courses, which are part of the online academic branch of Full Sail University, are a great way to help you explore potential degree options of interest before having to officially commit to one. Let’s examine how DC3 courses can help you refine your search and find the degree that will work best for you.

1. Explore a different career path.

Curious about a career track unrelated to your current line of work? Wondering if it would be a good fit for you?

Taking DC3 courses allows you to learn new concepts that you might have never been exposed to in your previous education or professional career. Doing so gives you the chance to explore whether a certain area of focus piques your interest without devoting your time to a full-fledged degree program.

For example, let’s say you’ve worked in marketing for a while. One major task in your various roles has involved graphic design. You might enjoy these artistic tasks more than others, but you’ve never worked as a full-time designer. You could take one DC3 course in art and design to see if it might be something you’d like to focus on. If you enjoy it, perhaps you’d take more of these classes.

2. Full Sail DC3 courses are short.

A big advantage to DC3 courses is that they are relatively short. Many courses are formatted for just one month, while others might only take a few months to complete. This short-form structure allows you to dip your toe in the waters of an unfamiliar realm and begin to work toward new goals without having to drastically change your lifestyle.

3. Full Sail DC3 courses are focused on very specific topics.

The hyper-focused nature of DC3 courses is another nice perk. Rather than taking several classes on a variety of subjects, you can focus all of your attention on a certain topic within a broader discipline.

This approach gives you a small piece of the academic pie, but it allows you to explore whether or not the broader field under which a course is focused is right for you.

4. DC3 is part of the Full Sail community.

DC3 students have access to the same communities as Full Sail students, which can open the door to opportunities for getting to know degree-seeking students, allowing you to find out more about their experiences in their respective academic journeys and network with them to learn more about their career accomplishments and goals.

DC3 students also have many of the same deadlines and expectations as students enrolled in degree programs at Full Sail. This can give you an idea of what courses in a degree program might be like as well.

Additionally, you’ll have opportunities to receive support from and network with Full Sail faculty and staff, many of whom have highly specialized experience in fields that might be of interest to you. Plus, you will receive the same Full Sail One technical support that Full Sail students receive in their degree programs.

5. Experience Full Sail’s educational technology.

Perhaps it has been a bit since you last took a college class. Maybe you’ve never even tried online learning.

Students taking DC3 courses utilize the same learning platform – known as the learning management system (LMS) – as Full Sail students who are enrolled in degree programs. Gaining hands-on experience with this technology can serve as a practical introduction to how it works. If you do choose to pursue a degree from Full Sail as well, you’ll be prepared to effectively navigate and take full advantage of this in-house platform for your courses.

6. You’ll realize that education is not an all-or-nothing endeavor.

When it comes to higher education, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. With Full Sail DC3, you can start out by taking one four-week course. If you find it’s beneficial to you, you might then consider taking a course stack consisting of a few additional courses. Continuing your journey after that could lead ultimately lead to an undergraduate degree to proudly display on your wall. The fact of the matter is that completing any of these academic achievements will benefit you in some way in your career. The question then becomes how far you want to take your academic journey.

Learn more about Full Sail DC3 course offerings.

Full Sail DC3 courses start monthly, giving you more flexibility on committing to one of these offerings when it’s convenient for your schedule. Courses are offered in:

  • Art & Design
  • Audio & Music Production
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Computer Science & Technology
  • Game Design & Production
  • Sportscasting
  • Video Production

Check out the course catalog page to browse all of the course offerings. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Full Sail DC3, call 844.716.1492.


Ready to Learn More?

We offer a variety of courses led by expert instructors - take a look at our full catalog and start building your learning path with Full Sail DC3 today.